What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization Guide 2024

SEO aka Search Engine Optimization - is all about improving your rankings in organic search results.

But how do you do that? In this complete guide to search engine optimization (SEO) in 2024, you will (hopefully) find answers to all your questions. All tips in this guide are based on my personal experience with SEO - an area I have been working with in one way or another since 2015.

Does it seem too extensive? Then you are always welcome to contact me or one of my colleagues - as a SEO agency, we always have our eyes on best practices in the industry, and of course we have the necessary overview.

Read about: What is SEO? - SEO in 2024 - How to make SEO?

Adam Ketelsen
- SEO-specialist
Last updated: Dec 29, 2023

SEO for beginners - get started with search engine optimization

Have you decided to get started with SEO? Great!

When you first start using SEO, it can seem like a long and confusing process. But don't worry, once you've been at it for a while, it gets (a little) easier. In this article, you'll find all our insider tips on how to get started with search engine optimization.

Click through the table of contents on the left (or above if you're on a mobile) - or read the whole thing from cover to cover.

Have a great time!

What is SEO? Get the answer in Webamp's comprehensive guide to search engine optimization.

What is SEO - and what is its purpose?

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Optimization and even SEO optimization.

The dear child has many names, and this is also the case when it comes to SEO.
SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization.

Despite the confusion of terms, the goal is the same. In short, search engine optimization is about optimizing the content and technical aspects of your website so that it ranks for valuable keywords and appears at the top of Google's search results.

And there's good reason to be visible on Google Search. The search engine is one of the most well-known and used search engines in the world - in 2023, Google had a worldwide market share of 83.49% on desktop searches.

In Denmark, Google has an unofficial monopoly with a market share of around 94%. It's not without reason that the verb "google" has become synonymous with searching the web.

And that's where SEO comes in. Because search engine optimization
gives you the best conditions for being visible in the search results of the world's largest search engine when potential customers search for your services or products.

Most used search engines last year (in percent)

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Get visible on Google with Search Engine Optimization

So why should you work with search engine optimization? 

Simply because it can be your shortcut to success on Google - and therefore success in your business. Because one thing is having a website. It's another thing to get it seen by your target audience.

And that's where SEO comes in. Because you can probably get to the top of Google via Google's paid search results Google Ads. But since the vast majority of information-seeking users click on so-called organic search results rather than ads, being visible where users click is key.

Without a targeted SEO effort, however, your website is likely to live a lonely life in the darkest recesses of Google - far from the attention of your potential customers. That's why SEO is an indispensable part of your marketing strategy if you want to drive traffic to your website.

With a targeted and structured SEO strategy, you can achieve the following benefits:

    • Gain visibility in search engines
    • Be seen by potential customers - at all stages of their buying journey
    • Receive relevant traffic to your website
    • Get more enquiries

    Search engine optimisation can therefore ultimately help to create more turnover in your business. In other words, it can be a valuable investment for your business.

    SEO, SEA and SEM - what's the difference?

    The acronyms SEO, SEA and SEM can be confusing - even for more experienced marketers.

    SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and is basically all the marketing activities you can do in search engines - paid and organic.

    As mentioned, the organic activity SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, where SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising. With SEA, we are talking about advertising in search engines - for example, text ads in search results, Google Shopping and Performance Max. This is the paid part of SEM.

    Google Ads is often synonymous with SEA because Google has such a large share of the market - much in the same way that search engine optimization is often implicitly used as a synonym for Google optimization.

    But you can easily do both SEO and SEA on other search engines - for example Bing, Youtube, Pinterest etc.

    So, to summarize, SEM is an umbrella term, and SEO and SEA fall under this umbrella. To make it even more confusing, in recent years it has become more common to use SEM as a synonym for SEA - and thus as a counterpoint to SEO. Similarly, SEA as a term is not used as often anymore.

    But let me make it clear: All SEO is SEM, but not all SEM is SEO. In the same way that all SEA is SEM, but not all SEM is SEA. And no more tirades about marketing acronyms for now.

    SEO, SEM and SEA

    The SEM hierarchy: SEO and SEA are two different activities within SEM

    SEO i 2024 - nice and need to know

    You have to hold your fire to succeed with SEO. Algorithms and ranking factors - and therefore best practices - are constantly changing. Therefore, as a SEO manager, you need to keep yourself constantly updated. Search engine optimisation is never static.

    The advice in this article is still relevant - but SEO in 2024 requires an even broader focus if you want to rank high in search results.

    So what is essential to know if you want to succeed with SEO 2024? I'll give you a handful of suggestions below. If you'd rather get started with general search engine optimization tips, click through to the section 'How to create SEO'. 

    In my look into the crystal ball for 2024, I come across:

    Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)

    In May 2023, Google announced that they would develop their search function so that in the future you will also get an AI-generated answer to your search query. It will be presented in a so-called "AI snapshot" over the traditional search results, giving users a more personalized response that fits their search intent.

    The new AI integration will be a great help when you want to do more complex searches. Instead of having to split up your searches and pull all the threads together yourself, with SGE you will be able to ask more complicated questions or in-depth queries and actually receive in-depth answers that match your search intent.

    An important piece of information for website owners and SEO-interested parties is that SGE will highlight the sources used to generate the AI response. This means that your website could potentially be highlighted both as a source in the AI response and as a standalone search result.

    While we don't know the exact launch date for the SGE, there is no doubt that the future of SEO will likely focus even more on creating high-value content for users. Therefore, Google's E-E-A-T guidelines will also become even more prominent, as Google will probably prioritize trustworthy and quality-oriented content even more with the rise of AI.


    A demonstration of the Google Search Generative Experience

    E + EAT = EEAT - the extra E

    The so-called E-E-A-T guidelines have been a ranking factor in Google's search engine since 2018, and when Google added an extra "E" to their E-A-T guidelines in late 2022, now called E-E-A-T (or 'Double E-A-T'), the principles became even more relevant.

    E-E-A-T is an abbreviation for 'experience', 'expertise', 'authoritativeness' and 'trustworthiness' and are essentially signals to Google - and not least Google users! - that a website demonstrates these 4 characteristics.

    In other words, the content on your website must reflect your experience, expertise, authority and credibility in your field or industry if you want to rank high in Google search results.

    At webamp.dk, for example, all of our content is written by experienced marketing specialists who, due to their knowledge of digital marketing, have the expertise and concrete experience to communicate topics in the field. Our authority comes from our reputation - for example, through customer testimonials on our reference page and reviews on Trustpilot and Google.

    Furthermore, authority comes from links and referrals from other websites with authority in our industry. Finally, we demonstrate credibility by having a website that is safe to navigate for our users - for example, through our SSL certificate.

    SEMrush has written a very informative article on E-E-A-T if you want to read more examples of the 4 characteristics of E-E-A-T.

    E-E-A-T is especially important for so-called YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) websites - websites that deal with either health or financial stability. A dentist, a private hospital or a mutual fund are examples of companies with YMYL websites.

    As mentioned, the E-E-A-T guidelines will become even more relevant as more AI-generated content emerges. While AI can analyze large data sets, the robots lack human experience, which can limit their expertise, authority and sometimes credibility. Therefore, the combination of AI-generated content that is audited (and not necessarily created by humans) is usually the best solution for the most useful content.

    E-E-A-T is inextricably linked to the Google Helpful Content Update (I'll get into that in the next section), as Google now expects websites to not only answer users' questions, but actually enrich their knowledge and experience.

    That's why the E-E-A-T principles must be clear to anyone working in digital marketing - even in 2024.

    Knowledge of the E-E-A-T principles is a must for SEO people in 2024

    Google Helpful Content Update

    Google'sHelpful Content Updateis a crucial update for anyone targeting SEO as a marketing activity. Launched in August and September 2023, the update is sure to be a game-changer for SEO in 2024.

    With Google's "Helpful Content Update", content that is created for users, rather than the search engine, will be prioritized even more. With the aim of ensuring that users receive relevant and trustworthy information, Google will reward sites with genuine experience and expertise, while downgrading those that lack substance.

    The update particularly affects websites with over-optimized "SEO content" and a lack of in-depth, original content. To avoid a drop in search rankings, websites need to demonstrate true expertise and offer unique value.

    With Google focusing on quality over quantity, the update may particularly affect sites in shopping, online education, tech and entertainment, which have previously focused more on search engines than users.

    As this update also acts as a 'sitewide algorithm', this means that bad content on individual pages can affect the entire website. In other words, one weak link can break the whole chain. To avoid this, in 2024 you need to ensure consistently high quality in all your content so that one weak link doesn't affect your entire domain.

    Topic clusters

    Because the E-E-A-T principles are such important components of Google's guidelines and will probably only become even more important in 2024, it pays to invest time in buildingtopic clustersin the new year.

    Topic clusters is an approach to SEO that focuses more on topics than keywords. It's a concept based on organizing your website content into topic clusters to better navigate search engines and increase your visibility.

    Central to the topic cluster is a 'pillar page' that covers a broad topic and is supported by several 'supporting pages' that address related sub-topics. This structure creates comprehensive coverage of a topic, increasing usability and brand legitimacy.

    To build an effective topic cluster, start by selecting a main topic for your pillar page and identify related sub-topics for your supporting pages. Remember to include internal links between pages to strengthen cohesion. The ideal size of a topic cluster varies, but the most important thing is to maintain the focus and depth of the topic.

    Topic clusters offer several benefits: they increase the chance of ranking for more keywords, improve usability and build authority. By grouping content around topics rather than keywords, you create a more cohesive and user-friendly structure.

    Not least, topic clusters can be part of your AEO strategy (read more about AEO below).

    Think in topic clusters in 2024

    AI-generated content and AEO

    Just like in 2023, there's no doubt that in 2024 AI will take quantum leaps and revolutionize the world of SEO time and time again. That's why it's important to be ahead of the game to catch up with the explosive speed of the AI wave.

    A term that will be important in 2024 is AEO, which is short for Answer Engine Optimization. AEO is a subcategory within SEO and is about optimizing content for AI engines, including Google SGE, ChatGPT, Microsoft's Bing chatbot, Copy.ai and similar language models.

    The discipline will therefore be to create content that is both useful to the user, the search engine and can be easily incorporated into responses from SGE and other forms of artificial intelligence. This can be a difficult intersection to navigate, but nonetheless necessary to perform highly on SEO parameters in 2024.

    There's also no getting away from the fact that AI is and will continue to be a central part of copywriting and SEO in general. The future of copywriting is more likely to be a collaboration between man and machine. AI robots like ChatGPT will act as a kind of digital assistant, helping the copywriter - from idea generation to fine-tuning structure and language.

    If you work with SEO texts, AI is therefore a very useful tool if used correctly. But it's also important to emphasize that it is a tool and not a replacement for a human.

    Read our post on how to write with ChatGPT.

    I would highly recommend getting a pair of human eyes on your robot content if you want to ensure that it is both factually correct and meets Google's E-A-A-T guidelines.

    However, ChatGPT is scary good at writing user-oriented, useful content - see for example the screenshot below, where I've asked the robot to write a collection text about green tea for a fictional webshop.

    I then ran the text through the Helpful Content Checker GPT to ensure that it meets Google's guidelines for useful content.

    An example of AI-generated content

    Useful content targeted at users rather than rankings

    Back in the wild 2010s, SEO was all about spamming your website with landing pages targeting different keyword combinations - landing pages that were in turn overstuffed with the keyword you wanted to rank for.

    Thankfully, this method has long since been blacklisted by Google. Google's mission, in their own words, is to "provide the most relevant and reliable information available" within a given search, and a landing page that exists solely to rank for a given keyword is hardly intended to provide relevant and reliable information.

    That's why Google is constantly striving to optimise the search engine's content requirements - most recently with their helpful content update from August 2022. As the name suggests, the helpful content update aims to ensure that users are satisfied with the content they are served in search results. In other words, the content should be useful.

    So what is useful content in Google's view? Well, useful content is:

    • created for people, not (search) machines
    • adapted to the primary target group
    • relevant to the subject matter and general content of the website
    • produced by experienced (the extra E in E-A-T) authors with authority in the field.

    For SEO specialists, the helpful content update means that they need to think (even more) about how they think about keyword analysis and strategy - but also how they produce content.

    There is no point in trying to rank for as many keywords as possible if the search results are not relevant to the recipient. Similarly, it is not about bombarding the web with content, but about selecting relevant content - and not least adapting it to the given search target.

    That's why it's a good idea to look at your competitors when developing your content strategy - what makes them rank high? For example, you can look for:

    • What types of content rank for specific search terms? Is it informative? Selling?
    • How far are competitors' content?
    • What questions are typically asked about the topic?
    • Are there subtopics within areas?
    • What does the content link to?
    • Who is the sender of the content - and what is their experience?
    With useful, user-centric content, you're well on your way to ranking high in 2023.

    With useful, user-centric content, you're well on your way to ranking high in the 202.

    Featured snippets - also known as featured snippets - are nothing new to Google, but they're only becoming more relevant over time. Indeed, my colleague Andreas pointed them out as a 2022 trend in his article on SEO factors in 2022 - and the trend looks set to continue in 2023. 

    Featured snippets are selected passages from landing pages that appear directly in search results. These results are sometimes referred to as 'location 0' because they are visually higher than location 1 in Google's organic search results. 

    These results get this prominent ranking because(according to Google) they contain exactly the information the user is looking for. In other words, they are results on useful content, targeted at users rather than rankings - see the section above. Below, for example, you can see Webamp's result for the search 'shopify webshop', which is even higher than Shopify's own result.

    In 2023, optimizing against featured snippets and zero click searches is a

    Many SEO specialists probably have an ambivalent relationship featured snippets. This is because featured snippets on certain results may result in a lower click-through rate because users get answers directly in the SERP and thus do not click on the result - the so-called zero click searches. And that, of course, means less traffic. 

    Conversely, it also means more relevant traffic and higher conversion rates, because those who actually click will in many cases be more relevant customers. Therefore, there is also a good reason to go for featured snippets.

    So how do you get featured snippets?

    One way to do this is to focus on your target audience and their search intent. Focus on good content - write for users, not for bots.

    You can also work more data-oriented with featured snippets. For example, in SEO tools like Ahrefs, you can see which of your keywords typically trigger featured snippets.

    Click on the report 'Organic keywords', sort by 'SERP features' → 'Featured snippets. Click 'Apply' → 'Show results'. Then you will get a list of all keywords on your website that have featured snippets. Is your website not number 1 under 'Position'? Then just start content optimization and go for the featured snippet.

    Featured snippets only get bigger in 2023

    Featured snippets will only get bigger in 2024

    Lower crawl rate - fewer updates in the SERP

    Instant search engine data has become so taken for granted that few people think about the machinery behind the seemingly endless flow of information. But keeping a search engine as big as Google Search up to date requires considerable resources. 

    Because even though we think of Google's search engine as "a thing in the cloud", the "cloud" is actually a physical entity, consisting of countless servers in data centers around the world - data centers that need to communicate with each other across countries and continents. And that stuff consumes power - a lot of it!

    This kind of resource consumption doesn't sit well with Google's goal of becoming CO2-free by 2030. That's why Google is continuously implementing measures to reduce their annual CO2 emissions.

    One of them is reportedly to limit the number of crawler requests (crawlers are essentially bots that scour the web for URLs and then detect and index them). 

    Fewer crawler requests obviously also means fewer updates in the search results, as updates in the search results are directly related to crawler behavior - if your website has not been visited by a crawler since your last update, you will not see changes until you are visited again by the GoogleBot, which is called Google's crawlers. It is for the same reason that optimizing internal link structure is the alpha and omega of technical SEO, because GoogleBot finds its way around the internet by following links on the pages it crawls. 

    In short, this means that in the long run, it will pay off to optimize landing pages from the start instead of doing it on an ongoing basis. So if you have your keyword and content strategy in place, you can implement changes right away rather than updating on an ongoing basis, as Bot visits will also become less frequent.

    This will increase the chances of your changes being indexed faster by GoogleBot - and therefore included in the SERP.

    AI - a game changer for SEO in 2024

    The ChatGPT language model shook the tech world to its core with its arrival in late November 2022, and the seemingly omniscient AI has only gotten better in the past year. And just over a year later, in early December 2023, Google released their answer to ChatGPT; Google Gemini. AI is here to stay - and has also become an integral part of SEO. And it will continue to be so in 2024.

    Now that Google has not only accepted AI-generated content, but also comes up with their own AI, we can assume that AI, and especially AEO, will become a regular part of search engine optimization.

    But why? To answer this question, I have asked ChatGPT to explain its own possible influence on SEO. The following is almost 100% AI-produced text - I have only made minor corrections myself.

    Automating SEO processes with AI

    Although as an AI model I don't actively participate in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in the same way as a human SEO specialist, I can still play a useful role in the SEO process. Here are some ways you as a SEO specialist can benefit from my knowledge to streamline your work:

    Keyword optimization: I can help you identify relevant keywords and key phrases that are important to your target audience. You can ask me questions like "Which keywords are popular within my niche?" or "How can I optimize my content to rank better for specific keywords?".

    Content planning: You can use me to generate content ideas. For example, you can ask me, "What topics are trending in my industry?" or "Can you help me brainstorm blog post ideas?".

    Technical SEO: I can provide advice on technical SEO by answering questions about website speed optimization, structured data, meta tags and other technical aspects of SEO.

    Competitive analysis: I can help you analyze your competitors' SEO strategies by identifying their most popular keywords, backlinks and content to use as a reference.

    SEO-Search engine friendly content: I can help you optimize your content by generating meta descriptions, titles and headlines that are optimized for search engines.

    Here's an example:

    Q: "What are the most popular keywords in the fitness industry right now?"

    Answer: "The most popular keywords within the fitness industry include 'weight loss training', 'healthy eating', 'fitness equipment', and 'workout plans'. You may want to create content on these topics to appeal to your target audience."

    Remember, while I can provide information and help with analytics, human expertise is still needed to make decisions, execute implementation and understand the context needed to run a successful SEO campaign. 

    However, the interplay between AI and human judgment can be a powerful combination to streamline the SEO process and achieve better results.

    Source: ChatGPT

    In addition, the launch of GPTs - customized versions of ChatGPT - in November 20223 made ChatGPT's toolbox even deeper. 

    For example, the GPT's Helpful Content Checker lets you check if your content meets Google's requirements for useful content, and the Seer's Screaming Frog & Technical SEO Companion gives you expert knowledge about the website crawler Screaming Frog - even with the option to upload your crawls directly in the chat.

    Last but not least, you can also create your own GPTs tailored to specific needs - for example, writing texts for organizations with their own unique tone of voice. 

    In other words, the language model can help you with everything from strategy and analysis to content optimization and technical SEO.

    how to write ai texts with chatGPT

    Language models like ChatGPT and Google Gemini can be valuable SEO sparring partners

    How to make SEO?

    Search engine optimisation is about optimising a number of factors that Google considers to be quality for users - and that can help a website rank higher in search results.

    In fact, Google has hundreds of factors in the equation. Factors that together determine how a website ranks for certain keywords in search results. You can think of it as one big equation, where each factor has an impact on how visible your website will be. That's why there's no fixed recipe for getting to the top of Google - just as results don't come overnight.

    Overall, however, there are 3 main elements that can help you get started: content, technique and authority.

    Semantic SEO - good content over SEO texts

    In the past, SEO was basically about stuffing your landing pages with the keywords you wanted to be found for. I myself have a background as an external freelance copywriter in a marketing agency, where my job was to write meaningless SEO texts for clients' websites, and where there were fixed limits on how many times a keyword had to appear in each text.

    Fortunately, this is no longer the case. Today, the search engine prioritizes first and foremost that the content has value for users, and Google has issued several algorithm updates over the last handful of years to ensure this - most recently in August 2022, when they rolled out their helpful content update, which was last updated in September 2023.

    The quality requirements for the content mean that semantic SEO is an important third leg of the SEO table. The search engine gives high priority to quality content that meets users' expectations. Conversely, landing pages with thin, duplicated or worthless content very rarely rank well.

    For the same reason, writing good, user-friendly content for your website is essential if you want to rank high on Google. But that's easier said than done. It requires an interplay between rhetorical tools, understanding users' search intent and the ability to use the right keywords in the right context. So you're sadly mistaken if you think it's about throwing the most important keywords into a generic text a certain number of times.

    With Google's algorithm updates, the search engine has become insanely good at understanding users' search intent - and displaying search results based on it. So if you value unique content that's dedicated to humans over robots, you're well on your way to the top of Google's coveted pinnacle.

    Semantic memory rules SEO:

    • Avoid directing all focus to the chosen keyword.
    • Make sure your text is easy to read.
    • Think in terms of topics rather than keywords.
    • Write naturally - and avoid using too many difficult terms.
    • Use contact phrases.

    Are you interested in learning more about semantic SEO and how to create a good SEO text? Read much more about what we focus on at Webamp, when we talk about search engine friendly content.

    Technical SEO - making your content accessible

    The content of your website is important. But if the technical stuff isn't right, Google won't find the site readable, and the site won't be user-friendly for your potential customers. That's why optimising the technical factors - technical SEO - is also a vital part of search engine optimising a website.

    Technical SEO is the slightly more long-haired part of search engine optimisation. It requires a good understanding of what goes on inside the engine room of your website.
    In practice, technical SEO includes analysis:

    • the quality of the source code on the website
    • whether the page is indexed correctly
    • whether it is mobile-friendly
    • whether there is duplicate content
    • if there are heavy images or other elements on the page that make it slow.

    Technical SEO also includes dead link analysis and redirection, search engine friendly URL naming, ALT and H tag optimisation, page titles and meta descriptions, and structured data setup to help Google understand the content of the website.

    And that's just a small sample of the many tasks within technical SEO. Long story short, the purpose of technical SEO is to get a website to perform technically optimally. Partly to give users the best experience, but also to make the site more readable by Google - and thus increase the chance of coming out on top.

    Linkbulding - make your website trustworthy

    SEO is not only what happens on the website itself. Your website also needs to gain authority - and link building gives it that.

    Link building is basically about getting other websites to link to your website - the so-called backlinks. Roughly speaking: The more websites that link to yours, the more authority your website gains. However, the quality outweighs the quantity of backlinks. It is not a signal of authority to have 100 spam links from casino sites, Indian link directories and Russian porn sites. On the contrary, it is a spam signal and it can have a very negative impact on your organic visibility in search engines.

    Conversely, having many links from many industry-relevant domains with high domain authority is an authority signal - for example, if a dental website has many links from health blogs, trade associations, etc.

    The graph below is a horrifying example of the impact of spam links. It shows the average Google ranking for a major keyword, and as you can see, it completely cracks and even falls out of the index on certain days.

    The webmaster of the website had the best of intentions and therefore diligently started redirecting countless subpages from other domains he managed - domains that were in no way relevant to the industry and had a low domain authority. Google therefore perceived it as an attempt to manipulate rankings via spam links, and several months of SEO was undermined in a few days.

    An example of poor link building

    Here's the reverse example: a steadily growing backlink profile with links from relevant and authoritative domains has given a subpage decent Google rankings on a major keyword.

    An example of good link building
    A selection of our SEO results

    An update to Google's Algorithms has the industry holding its breath

    Having knowledge and insight into Google's algorithms is crucial when working with search engine optimisation. It's the algorithms that help determine where your website appears in search results.

    That's why an algorithm update will always make SEO specialists hold their breath - because if an update means the house of cards falls, years of strategic work could be wasted.

    However, there's rarely much to worry about as long as you put your users first. Google Search is a search engine that will always try to display the content that is most relevant to the user's search - and this is exactly what you need to keep in mind when working with SEO!

    And while it's not always easy to understand Google's exact algorithms, there are several parameters that can have a significant impact on a website's search rankings - and are therefore worth considering when starting your SEO adventure.

    Past experience shows that the following factors help determine where in the rankings your website will appear:

    • User's specific search
    • Geographical location of the user
    • Credibility of the website
    • Usability of the website
    • Relevance of the website.

    How to get started with search engine optimisation?

    What is SEO? Everything from analysis to link building

    Feel free to use the above image, as long as you link to: https://webamp.dk/academy/seo-guide/

    For example:

    Foto: <a href="https://webamp.dk/academy/seo-guide/">Webamp: Den komplette SEO guide</a>

    SEO is long-term and continuous work that never really ends. Google's algorithms are complex and ever-changing, and competition for the top spots on Google can be fierce.

    If you've tried your hand at search engine optimisation, you know that it can be difficult to make sense of a SEO strategy. But you have to start somewhere.

    A SEO strategy might look like this:

    Technical SEO

    If it's an older website, it might be a good idea to start by prioritising the technical side of SEO. It's incredibly important that your website works properly, otherwise it can compromise search engine optimisation - and then your hard work won't be of much use.

    That's another reason why it makes sense to consider hiring an agency to handle your SEO - it requires technical savvy.

    Get a quick overview with Screaming Frog
    There are several programs that can give you an overview of the technical quality of your website. One of them is Screaming Frog, which quickly finds errors and visualizes technical issues.

    Areas worth investigating first:

    • HTTP URLs
    • 4xx error
    • Content - duplicated and missing content
    • Missing and duplicated H1s
    • Missing and duplicated SEO titles
    • Missing and duplicated H1s
    • Images over 100 KB
    • Pagespeed
    • Missing canonical tags
    • Missing and duplicated meta descriptions

    In short, you can get a complete overview of SEO technical pitfalls that can hinder better organic keyword rankings in search engines.

    There are, of course, many other areas to look at, but some are more urgent than others. Remember, it's about getting an overview from the start so you know what needs your attention most.

    You can read more about the Screaming Frog in Webamp's post 'Seven tips to improve your SEO via Screaming Frog''.

    Screaming Frog - 4xx errors
    Keyword analysis

    In keyword analysis, you need to go full throttle. You need to look at it as a data-driven brainstorm where you find all the keyword combinations that can relate to your business. It's a good idea to consider the following questions when embarking on an exciting keyword analysis.

    1. What products/services do we offer?
    2. What products/services are most important to us?
    3. Which products/services are most in demand?

    While it's good that you include as many keyword combinations as possible in your keyword analysis, it doesn't mean that you should immediately try to optimise all of them at the same time. It's difficult to judge how many are appropriate to start with, as it depends on how competitive the keywords are - however, most people will start by focusing on around 5-10 keyword combinations.

    Brainstorm or database keyword analysis?

    Keyword analysis can start with something as simple as a brainstorm and your knowledge of your own industry and how your target audience searches. For example, if you are a dentist with a dental clinic in Østerbro in Copenhagen, keywords such as 'tandlæge', 'tandklinik', 'root canal treatment', 'tandpine', 'tandkrone' etc. will be relevant to look at. Since you are dealing with a clinic that is typically interested in local customers, you will also focus on the locations Østerbro and Copenhagen rather than a nationwide search.

    A brainstorm can be a good place to start. However, we would always recommend a more data-driven approach.

    Tools such as Ahrefs and Google Search Console have everything you need to do a good keyword analysis.

    In Ahrefs, for example, you can extract the keywords your website is already ranking for and see estimated monthly search volume and your ranking on these. This way you can get an overview of where there is room for improvement. You can also do competitor analysis in the 'Content gap' feature. Here you can enter your own domain and compare it with one or more competitors' domains and get an overview of relevant keywords they rank for but you don't. 

    In the example below I have compared a wine merchant's website with a competitor's. 

    Ahreds has many good features for search analysis

    If you have a website that contains a lot of landing pages with well-written and descriptive content for all your services and/or products - well, then you can immediately start SEO. However, few people have that.

    There's one thing you're allowed to steal with - and that's your eyes. Explore the websites that are on the first page for your keyword and see how comprehensive their texts are. Are there 2000 words on the landing pages? Well, then it most likely needs to have the same.

    In addition, it's important to optimise keywords on the pages where it makes the most sense - and mixing too many topics and keywords is rarely a good tactic. Let's use the dentist example again. Google is all about user-friendliness, and it's not clear to the user if they have to read about teeth straightening on the same page where you find information about tooth removal.

    Always bear in mind that if YOU are in doubt about whether it makes sense, Google will certainly be too. Later in the guide you will find more information on how to write good SEO texts.

    Setting up tracking of key measurement parameters

    The goal of search engine optimisation is visibility, which should ultimately lead to more sales or enquiries through your website. That's why it's a good idea to set up proper tracking of visitors, referrals, sales, newsletter sign-ups and other key metrics that can tell you about the return on your SEO efforts.

    Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager are indispensable tools here. Analytics can give you almost any data you need about your website, while Tag Manager is the link between your site and your Analytics account to make sure you're measuring the right metrics.

    Continuous link building

    The quantity and quality of links pointing to your site from other sites has a big impact on your site's authority - and therefore your rankings on Google. That's why it's important to keep working on getting relevant links to your site. This discipline is known as 'link building'. This means links from pages that are thematically similar to yours.

    Links from generic private blogging networks, shady casino sites and lurid porn sites are not relevant links. Links from industry associations, suppliers, partners, bloggers, sponsors, press releases and reviews are.

    So while the quantity of links matters, the quality is the most important. Better one relevant link than 10 irrelevant ones.

    Continuous optimisation and evaluation

    There's no such thing as resting on your laurels when it comes to SEO. Google's algorithm is complex, just as competition for certain keywords can be high. That's why it's important to continually evaluate the return on your efforts.

    For example, do you rank poorly for certain keywords? Is your website not generating enough enquiries? Or are your users otherwise not interacting with your content as desired?

    These are questions that you must ask yourself on an ongoing basis, and which form the basis for possible optimisation.

    Shall we take your SEO to new heights?

    Webamp is an ambitious SEO agency ready to boost your business' presence on Google. Want us to help you?

    On-page and off-page

    learn about SEO in our great guide to search engine optimisationWhile there are hundreds of internal and external factors that can affect your SEO strategy, the optimization process is often referred to as two general categories: on-page and off-page SEO.

    • On-page SEO

      In the overview below, some of the most important areas have been highlighted when it comes to on-page SEO.

      • Selection of relevant keywords and terms
      • Valuable text content about your services and/or products
      • Implementation and optimization of images
      • Speed optimization
      • Usability on desktop, mobile and tablet
      • Correct setup of body text, headers and sub-headers
      • Internal link building that creates structure on the website.

      Read more about on-page SEO.

    • Off-page SEO

      Can you get good rankings without focusing on off-page SEO? You may be able to, but in the vast majority of cases it will only be possible to rank high on keywords where there is little competition - and therefore fewer potential customers.

      External link building

      When it comes to off-page SEO, link building is the main focus. Link building increases the relevance of your website in Google's eyes through external links. However, it should be mentioned that it does not matter where your links come from.

      When you are looking for relevant websites to link to your website, it is a good idea to ask yourself the following questions:

      Is the website trustworthy?
      How many visitors does the website have?
      Is the content of the website relevant to my industry?

      You can think of link building in the same way as if you were booking a holiday. Would you choose to book 3 trips staying in a hostel in a dingy neighbourhood or one memorable holiday in your dream destination? It should be right up your street. We'll get into link building in more detail during this guide.

      Google My Business (GMB) - your online business card

      Google My Business

      Google My Business is a free business profile that acts as an online business card for your business. Following Google's recent algorithm update, local search has become more relevant than ever before - so if you don't already have a business profile, hurry up and set one up!

      Create a profile on Google My Business.

      Add the most important information:

      • Opening hours
      • Service areas
      • Branch
      • Company description
      • Link to your website
      • Link to your website's contact page (agreement links)
      • Services (if you offer a service)
      • Products
      • Photos.

      In addition, you have the option to post offers, news, events and products on your Google My Business. This way, you keep your customers updated while driving relevant traffic to your website.

      At Webamp we know that GMB has a big impact on SEO, and it is therefore an integral part of the optimisation process. Need our help? Let's have a no obligation conversation.

      Read more about off-page SEO here.

    Build authority on Google with link building

    In short, link building is about building links between pages - this can be across sub-pages on one domain(internal link building) as well as across domains(external link building). The latter in particular is an important focus for SEO specialists, as links from other websites can be seen as a kind of recommendation to Google and other search engines that a website is worth a visit. 

    In other words, links from other websites are a signal of authority to Google and other search engines - and are therefore an important part of search engine optimisation. You can read more about this in our blog post on link building.

    Link building is an authority signal to Google - and therefore important for SEO
    • What is internal link building?

      Internal link building is basically about creating an internal link structure on your website. This is done by creating a link on a specific page that links into another landing page on the website.

      Internal links can be inserted in the context of:

      • Bread text
      • Sub- and headlines
      • Pictures
      • Logos
      • Menu items.
    • Get rewarded by Google

      Internal link building is an important part of on-page SEO, and there's a special reason for that. If you've made your work UG, Google's robots will have a much easier time navigating the content on your page - and you'll be rewarded for it!

    • Purpose of internal link building

      • Provide link value to the landing pages you link to.
      • Clarify what the content of the landing page is about.
      • Clarify which pages on the website are most important.
      • Creating structure on the website - for visitors and Google.
      • Shorten the time it takes to index new pages on Google.

    What is outbound link building?

    Outbound link building is used to link to external pages that make sense and are relevant to your visitors. Outbound link building has been used in several places in this guide - can you spot them? Psst. you can find an outbound link under 'what is external link building?'.

    What is external link building?

    It's no exaggeration to say that external link building is a divisive technique in most SEO departments. External link building aims to direct traffic to your website so that Google considers your website relevant and valuable. You can link through websites, blog posts, social media and other Google services such as Google My Business - you canread our guide to Google My Business here.

    However, link building is about more than "just creating links". Before you know it, you may have spent a lot of time, effort and money on external link building to no avail. Like all other aspects of SEO, you need to get your analytics right before you start.

    How do you get external links to your website?

    External link building can be divided into 2 categories - the free and the paid.

    • Outreach and guest blogging

      Free link building will often be done by approaching customers, partners etc. and asking them to link to your website. This process is also known as 'outreach'. 

      Guest blogging is also a way to get links to your website. Here, you provide valuable content to other websites, which in turn reciprocate with a link back to your website. In this way, all parties win. 

      Finally, you can also work on the content of your own website and make sure it reaches the masses - both through SEO and through social platforms, for example.

      Because the better your content is and the more people know about it, the more likely they are to link to it - and therefore your website. I also recommend it in my blog post 'Why your business should write blog posts'.

      In some cases, outreach and guest blogging can get you a deal quite quickly - but it can also be a long and demanding process where you need to rethink your ROI (Return on Investment).

    • Paid link building

      Paid link building is the "easy way" to backlinks for your website. In short, you pay for column space with a corresponding link on digital media. In other words, you get links via sponsored content.

      It is important that you understand what you are dealing with if you engage in the paid form of link building.We therefore do not recommend buying links from websites that only sell links. These sites are also known as PBNs (Private Blogging Networks) or splogs (spam + blog).

      You will usually be able to tell them by the lack of a common thread in the article catalogue. Here, for example, you will see "articles" on dental treatments placed right next to "articles" on quicksilver loans and gambling. 

      So-called BPN links are unnatural links that come from domains whose sole purpose is to link back and forth to various pages. Therefore, choose your domains carefully if you want to buy backlinks via sponsored content. In other words, there should be a common thread between the content on your website and the website that is linking.

      Learn more about Google's link exchange guidelines.

    Check domain - is it valuable?

    You have now found the landing page you want to link to and found a domain that is relevant to get links from. Now it's time to check the quality of the domain.

    Take a look at the following:

    1. DR (domain rating) - how high is it?
    2. The content - does the website content match YOUR content?
    3. Credibility - is the website trustworthy?

    At Webamp we mainly use the Ahrefs tool when we need to get an insight into all corners of a website, as the tool collects virtually all kinds of data. A true dream tool for a SEO specialist.

    For the sake of clarity, we have run a test on google.dk, as you can see in the image below. It's clear to see that Google (obviously) has an incredibly high DR, a lot of backlinks and referring domains as well as organic traffic.

    Search engine optimisation: Google.dk's domain rating

    Please look at domain authority when looking for backlinks

    Avoid being penalised by Google

    If you want to avoid violating some of Google's many guidelines, we recommend that you properly understand what good and natural link building is. If you want to make sure it's done right, you can also use a marketing agency that are experts in marketing. In the worst case, a violation could lead to your domain being banned from Google's index.

    At Webamp , our SEO team specialises in link building and we only use relevant and trustworthy sites that provide value!

    Useful SEO tools

    Are you new to SEO, or just want to check if there are any tools you are not familiar with yet? Don't worry. Here you'll get an insight into the SEO tools that our SEO specialists use every day.

    Why is it important to use the right tools?

    If you want good results, it's important to use the right tools. Just as there are people who prefer gin to vodka, there are also, of course, divided opinions about the different SEO tools.

    Our specialists have years of experience in search engine optimisation, and this is your opportunity to get an insight into their tools.

    SEO-tools worth knowing:

    • Ahrefs

      If you're looking for a complete analytics and optimization tool, your prayers have been answered! There's almost nothing you can't do with Ahrefs. Not least, you have the ability to dive into your own website's rankings, find new keywords, explore your backlinks and more - and you can compare your website to your competitors' at the same time! What's not to like?

    • Screaming Frog

      Your website's functionality is crucial if you want it to rank well on Google. It is therefore important that you have access to a tool that gives you an insight into the technical challenges of your website. With Screaming Frog, you can analyse websites with up to 500 pages for free - which is often more than enough.

    • Google Search Console

      If you need a tool that can deliver unique data from your website, then exploring Google Search Console is a must. With this tool, you have the opportunity to gain insight into the user and search behavior, as well as the coverage and mobile usability of your website.

      This tool is particularly brilliant for measuring and analysing SEO performance, as you can examine specific landing pages and customise search based on geography, keywords and device, among other things. If you haven't set up Google Search Console on your website yet, it can't come soon enough.

    • Google Analytics

      Data, data and more data! If you say website tracking, most people will say Google Analytics. For SEO and other digital marketing efforts, you need to collect data - otherwise how will you see the impact of your hard work? Most people choose to track their website through Google Analytics, and once you learn how to navigate the program, it will undoubtedly become your new best friend.

      Something suggests that Google understands that it is not always easy to work in their applications - and they have therefore developed Skillshop! Here you have the opportunity to develop your skills in Google Analytics.

    • Pagespeed Insights

      Is there anything worse than a website that takes 100 years to load? Most would say no - and the same is true from a SEO point of view. By using Pagespeed Insights, as the name reveals, you can get to know your website's loadtime - which has been a ranking factor on Google since 2020. Get up to speed with Pagespeed Insights, which is even free!

    Are you driven by data like our own SEO specialists? Then don't fool yourself by reading one of our previous posts that goes in depth on the aforementioned SEO tools and more.

    Optimize your
    website's pagespeed

    Do you know the feeling of standing in a metre-long queue at your local supermarket, eagerly waiting to pay for your groceries? It's a bit like the feeling you get when visiting a slow-loading website. Few people have the time or patience to wait. By examining and optimising the load time of your website, you can be more successful on Google.

    Google rewards good page speed

    Did you know that Google rewards websites that have a fast loadtime? In 2021, Google rolled out an update to their algorithms that meant a good page and user experience became a major ranking factor in Google's eyes. Website usability on different devices, good page speed and secure landing pages were some of the main areas of focus.

    Choose your preferred tool

    There are a host of tools that can give you information about the speed of your website, as well as an overview of which areas need a little extra love.

    Tools you can use:

    1. Pagespeed Insights
    2. Pingdom
    3. Lighthouse.

    Our specialists all have their go-to tools - try out a few and find your favourite!

    Get the visibility you deserve

    Have you got the courage to take a closer look at your website's load time? Of course you have! We've put together 5 areas to pay particular attention to when you start optimising your site's speed.

    A good Pagespeed Insights score is a sign of good technical SEO
    • Images - how much do they take up?

      Your website's media gallery has a big impact on load speed as it takes up more space than anything else, so it's the obvious place to start.

      There are different options when it comes to compressing the file size of your images. If you use WordPress, for example, you can download Imagify through WP Rocket, which can do the job for you. Alternatively, you can compress your images in Photoshop, for example. It is recommended that the size of an image is less than 100 kb.

    • Redirects - how many have you created?

      There are a myriad of tools and plugins that can provide redirection on your website - but did you know that too many redirects can worsen the speed of your website?

      Every time there is a redirection from one page to another, it affects the speed. Imagine you've had a +200 page website for many years and your go-to solution has always been to create redirects rather than make the change directly on the page. How many cups of coffee would you be able to make before the page loaded?

    • Web host - did the problem already start here?

      When you had to choose web hosting in the early days, did you wear critical glasses? If you've done everything to improve your page speed and still haven't succeeded, the answer is most likely no.

      There is often a correlation between cheap web hosting and poor page speed, and this is due to having too many domains on the same server. You get what you pay for - so look into upgrading your current hosting plan.

    • Loading files - are they loaded at the same time?

      If all the files on your website are loaded at the same time, this can also worsen speed. It is recommended that you use the lazy loading technique instead, which causes the content of the website to load gradually rather than simultaneously.

    • Coding - is your source code unstructured?

      If there is unstructured or unnecessary coding on your website, it can also affect your website's loadtime. The solution to this is to start minifying CSS, Javascript and HTML.

    Youtube-SEO - SEO is more than Google

    In Denmark, we often equate search engine optimisation with Google optimisation. But Youtube is also a search engine - according to some sources the world's second largest - and therefore it can also pay to search engine optimise Youtube videos if you have a Yotube channel to complement your website.

    Youtube-SEO can partly benefit your rankings in the video giant's own search results, but also in Google's results - both in the regular search results and in the video results. Google owns Youtube, and therefore their search engine also gives a relatively high priority to Youtube videos. 

    How to make SEO on Youtube

    Just as there are best practices for SEO on websites, you should also be able to tick off a number of checkpoints if you want higher rankings for your Youtube videos.

    We went through all the points ourselves when we published the little explainer video you'll find at the top of this guide in January. This means that at the time of writing we are in the top 10 of Google's video results for the search 'seo' - also in YouTube's top 10 for the search 'what is seo'.

    And don't worry, it's not a trade secret what we've done - you get the list right here.

    • Enter keywords in title.
    • Enter keywords in the video file.
    • Optimize video description.
    • Use keywords in your tags.
    • Categorize video.
    • Use a custom thumbnail for video.
    • Use SRT files (subtitles).
    • Use Youtube Cards + End Screens.
    • Use hashtags.
    • Create a playlist of channel topics.
    • Make a pinned comment where keywords appear.

    An example of search engine optimization on Youtube

    In the video at the top of this article, I give a short introduction to the 3 elements of SEO. The video is on Youtube, and according to the motto "practice what you preach", my colleagues and I have of course been through the list above.

    And Youtube has also rewarded with good rankings - here on the broad keyword 'search engine optimization' - try searching for 'SEO' and 'what is SEO' on Youtube. Does our video show up in your search?

    Also, try searching for the different keyword combinations in Google video results. Do we show up there?

    An example of YoutubeSEO

    You can also search engine optimize your Youtube videos

    SEO vs. Google Ads

    Which marketing strategy is right for your business? This is one of the most common questions in digital marketing - and with so many options available, it's understandable to be unsure!

    It's ALWAYS a good idea to invest in your online presence - we at SEO- and Google Ads- can certainly vouch for that.

    SEO - pros and cons

    Advantages of SEO

    Front of the medal
    • You get stable and consistent traffic.
    • There is no extra cost.
    • There is greater confidence in organic results.

    Disadvantages of SEO

    The other side of the medal
    • It is a time-consuming process.
    • You will need to master many different techniques.
    • It's hard to keep track of short-term results.

    The long-term investment that creates value
    SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that is definitely worth the time if you know what you are doing. The optimisation process is time-consuming and it is necessary to master everything from copywriting and link building to the technical optimisation of the website.

    There have been numerous studies showing that people are more likely to click on an organic search result rather than an ad. The organic search results are more associated with trustworthiness - do you even scroll past the paid ads?

    Google Ads - pros and cons

    Advantages of Google Ads

    Front of the medal
    • You can get a page 1 ranking right away.
    • You have full control over your ads.
    • It is suitable for all industries.

    Disadvantages of Google Ads

    The other side of the medal
    • It can quickly become an expensive pleasure if you are inexperienced.
    • Money must be spent to make money.
    • You must be able to master Google Ads.

    The good investment if you are an expert
    Advertising on Google is often referred to as a short marketing strategy compared to SEO. However, this is not the case if you put blood, sweat and tears into every ad that is prepared, just like our Google Ads specialists.

    If you need a well-functioning Ads account and a Google Ads strategy that delivers a positive ROI, don't hesitate to contact a marketing agency.

    SEO and Google Ads - the perfect match

    You'll never go wrong investing in both SEO and Google Ads - but you'll need the time and budget. These are two of the biggest areas in digital marketing, and if you can harness the potential of both, you'll definitely be noticed.

    When does SEO benefit from Google Ads?

    SEO can benefit greatly from the large data base that can be found in Google Ads. As search engine optimisation is a solution that sometimes requires patience, this can provide a better and faster overview of which keywords are worth investing in.

    In addition, if you use the same keyword combinations in your paid ads as you do in SEO, past experience shows that search engine optimisation gets a boost. Some would argue it's a better love story than Jack and Rose in Titanic.

    When does Google Ads benefit from SEO?

    Google Ads works in the same way as an auction house, but it's not just price that's a deciding factor at Google.

    Google prioritises user-friendliness, the so-called quality result - and this is also true when it comes to paid ads. So you can't be sure of winning a page 1 ranking, even if you put in the biggest amount of money. This is where SEO plays a key role, working on page speed, landing pages, text formatting, title and meta descriptions, etc.

    A US marketing agency has looked into the interaction between SEO and Google Ads, and the study showed that a better quality result (due to SEO) resulted in cheaper click-through rates and more traffic to both the organic and paid ads. Read more about the study here.

    Have you been convinced that your business should be visible in both paid and organic search results? At Webamp we are ready to take your marketing strategy to new heights!

    Can an agency improve your SEO?

    It's not impossible to succeed with SEO on your own - but it's a time-consuming process that requires you to keep your mouth shut. There are many different areas that you need to master - including copywriting, communication and the ability to troubleshoot and correct technical errors on a website.

    There are many benefits to using a marketing agency if you want to grow and realise your business potential.

    1. Most marketing agencies have the ability to handle ALL of your marketing activities.
    2. You save the cost of a marketing person (which is typically much higher than the cost of using an agency).
    3. You avoid the cost of training a new employee.
    4. You can get specialised advice and help to identify business potential.
    5. You don't need to spend money on all the SEO programmes.
    6. You get a tailored, specialised and targeted SEO strategy.
    7. You will be assigned a specialist with years of experience in SEO, who knows what works.
    8. You can focus on your core competencies.
    9. An agency specialising in SEO is always up to date with the many updates in Google's algorithms.

    SEO - how do I choose the right agency?

    There are a multitude of marketing agencies offering the same services, so it's understandable that it can be difficult to decide which one to choose.

    Choose an agency where...

    • You have a good working relationship with the consultant.
    • There is an understanding of your company's vision and mission.
    • You have a good gut feeling from the start.
    • It is not the price that is the main selling point.

    If you would like help with SEO, or would like to know more about digital marketing in the form of SEO or one of our other services, then you are more than welcome to contact us for a no-obligation consultation. We also highly recommend reading Google's SEO starter guide.

    SEO-optimization - or indeed just SEO

    Among professionals, the terms 'SEO' and 'search engine optimization' are used interchangeably. But you've probably also come across the term 'SEO optimization', which is a fun double confection that we as professionals encounter almost every day.

    The explanation is that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you translate it into Danish, it means search engine optimization. It is perfectly correct to use all 3 terms - but not SEO-optimization. Even if we optimize more than once, you do not need to write SEO-optimization-optimization-optimization-optimization... It is enough with the one time it is already mentioned in SEO.

    There's actually a linguistic term for using redundant acronyms, and it's called RAS syndrome. The sharp rhetorician has already discovered that RAS syndrome also falls into this category - and at Webamp we certainly like to take the piss.

    Examples of RAS phrases:

    • HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus... virus)
    • AIDS syndrome (acquired immune deficiency syndrome... syndrome)
    • ISBN-number (international standard book number.... number)
    • ATM machine (automated teller machine... machine)
    • IBAN-number (international bank account number... number)
    • SEO-optimization (search engine optimization... optimization)

    Does SEOwork?

    It really does if you do it the right way. Together with my colleagues, I have been working with SEO on webamp.dk for the past year, and the development in our organic traffic speaks for itself.

    We've almost quintupled our SEO-generated traffic in one year. But it's also taken time and effort. In other words, you can't expect here-and-now results with SEO - Google Ads is your go-to tool. But with the right effort, SEO can be an extremely important source of long-term online success.

    Development in organic traffic

    Get help with search engine optimization

    Does it seem like a daunting task to get started with SEO? Don't know where to start? Or are you stuck in the work you've started?

    Then contact Webamp. Our SEO specialists are ready to kick-start your SEO strategy - from initial analysis to strategy, implementation and ongoing monitoring and optimization. 

    As a SEO agency, we always have our eyes on current best practices in our field, and we love to translate our knowledge into concrete actions that create value for our customers. 

    Typical questions about SEO

    What is SEO?

    SEO is search engine optimization to enable your services or products to be found in Google search results. The optimization covers, among other things, on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. 

    What does SEO mean?

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which in Danish translates to search engine optimization. Many people also call it Google optimization and SEO optimization.

    Why is SEO important?

    Because it's your shortcut to higher rankings in organic search results. That's why it pays to get to grips with search engine optimisation best practices.

    Can you make SEO yourself?

    Yes, if you have the basic knowledge and access to a small handful of tools, you can easily start search engine optimization yourself. With the advice in this guide, you should be well prepared to start optimizing SEO on your own.

    Is SEO worthwhile?

    SEO is a long-term investment that pays off in the long run if you play your cards right. But it is also important to understand that in some cases SEO is just part of the channel mix - for example, very few webshops will be able to survive with SEO alone. Here the competition from Google Ads and Google Shopping is fierce, and SEO will therefore rather be a support for the paid search engine marketing.

    How much does SEO cost?

    If you want to get started with SEO yourself, you can easily get started without a big investment, and there are also plenty of good, free SEO tools. If you choose an agency, the price depends like everything else on effort and desired outcome - do you want consulting hours for sparring, or do you want hands-on execution of everything from analysis to implementation? A conservative estimate of a monthly SEO budget for a medium-sized company would be DKK 5,000-30,000.

    Learn more about SEO, and increase your online presence

    Whether you're a generalist or a marketing specialist, our SEO specialists have put together some great advice for you on our blog.

    Learn more about SEO in Webamp Academy.