
how to write ai texts with chatGPT
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How to type (well) with ChatGPT

If you write copy for a living, an AI language model might sound a bit daunting. However, ChatGPT is not meant to be a replacement for the copywriter - but a valuable tool that makes the job of a copywriter easier - and the writing process more fun.

Let's dive deeper into the work of using ChatGPT for copywriting and learn how the robot makes your work easier and actually improves it. I can already reveal that you don't have to break out in a sweat when you hear the words "artificial intelligence" as a copywriter.

Sarah Koudal
- copywriter
Last updated: Dec. 1, 2023

What is AI?

You know AI as artificial intelligence - technology that aims to mimic human intelligence. But in the past year, AI has been developing at an explosive pace with the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022.

It's possibly the most talked about and hyped AI tool of all time - and for good reason. ChatGPT demonstrates a level of language modeling that can generate human-like text like never before.

Before we go any further, let's take a look at how ChatGPT describes itself:

chatGPT describes itself

The data that ChatGPT is built on consists of large amounts of text from the internet and other sources, which the bot can analyze and emulate in new formats. 

You can quickly and easily generate answers that match the input you give the bot. You do this with prompts, which are commands that tell the bot what you want it to respond to. The more information you provide, the better the text the bot spits out.

As ChatGPT says, it has neither experience nor emotion. And that's exactly why human intervention is still needed to create original and personalized texts - but we'll come back to that.

How do I use AI as a copywriter?

In a time when technology is moving at lightning speed, it's essential for copywriters to see AI - including ChatGPT - as an ally rather than a competitor.

When I write texts, I always use a rhetorical template that dates back to antiquity. First I work on generating ideas (inventio), then I structure my text (dispositio) and finally I adapt the language (elocutio). Throughout all phases, I focus on my target audience and the situation I'm writing in (intellectio).

Since I've started using ChatGPT, I've discovered how these steps have not only become easier, but have actually resulted in better texts.

Idea generation

ChatGPT can help suggest topics, angles and perspectives that you might not have considered on your own.

Prompt idea: "I'm working on a [describe the purpose of your text, e.g. article, presentation, marketing campaign] on [describe the topic or main theme]. I'm looking for some fresh and original ideas or angles to make my text more engaging and informative. Can you help me generate some creative ideas or suggestions to enrich my text?".


With ChatGPT's help, you can more quickly organize arguments and ideas in a logical and compelling way.

Prompt idea: "I'm working on a [describe the purpose of your text, e.g. blog post, email, article] on [describe the topic or main theme]. I need help organizing my ideas and creating a coherent structure for the text. Can you give me suggestions on how to divide the text into sections or headings and place my ideas in a logical order?".


ChatGPT can provide suggestions for tone-of-voice, word choice, synonyms, grammar and general stylistic elements that adapt your text to the target audience.

Prompt idea: "I'm writing a [describe the purpose of your text, e.g. blog post, landing page or product description] aimed at [describe your target audience, e.g. technical experts, general consumers]. I would like help adapting the language to suit the target audience. Can you give me advice on how to make the text [select the relevant criteria, e.g. more technical, more understandable, more formal, more informal]?"

Target group

company brand by feeding ChatGPT with relevant information. If you have access to the GPT-4 model, you can also insert links for the bot to analyze and provide advice.

Prompt idea: "I need to write a text for [your company name or briefly describe your company]. We primarily cater to [describe your target audience, e.g. young professionals, small businesses, technical experts]. I need to write copy that fits our brand and appeals to our target audience. Can you help me understand our corporate identity, tone of voice and advise me on how to best adapt my texts to the preferences and needs of our target audience?"

It may take some practice to learn how to prompt ChatGPT in the best possible way, but I promise that once you've cracked the code, you'll be able to text on a whole new level like never before.

A little hack is also to let the bot write your prompt. You just tell it what you need help with and ask if it can write a prompt for it. I've actually done this for all of the above examples.

How to use AI as a copywriter

5 tips for using AI in digital marketing

AI is not only part of the future of digital marketing - it's already part of the present. With ChatGPT as your digital assistant, you get a reliable colleague who never goes on vacation, never gets tired and can assist you with your daily tasks.

When navigating the digital marketing jungle, it can be a challenge to keep up with the latest trends and tools. And it's precisely in cases like this that you need to reach out to ChatGPT.

1. Create catchy ad texts

When it comes to digital ad formats Google Ads or Social Ads, the battle for attention is intense. ChatGPT can help you formulate sharp, catchy ad texts that are not only eye-catching but also optimized to convert curious clicks into solid leads.

2. Write SEO-friendly web texts

ChatGPT can polish your web texts to ensure they are not only engaging and informative, but also SEO friendly. This means your texts are ready to climb the Google ranking ladder so your audience can find you at the top.

3. Optimize your email marketing

ChatGPT can help you personalize your email marketing by generating custom content that appeals to different segments of your target audience. AI can help write subject lines that increase open rates as well as text that drives clicks and conversions.

4. develop creative campaign concepts

With its ability to generate creative ideas, ChatGPT can help you come up with unique campaign concepts that stand out in a crowded digital world. The AI can suggest themes, slogans and even help outline the content for entire campaigns, saving you a lot of work.

5. Upgrade to GPT-4:

The newer ChatGPT model, GPT-4, has a number of features that can be used in digital marketing. For example, you can generate images, analyze data, insert files and retrieve information directly from the internet.

ChatGPT - a collaboration between man and machine

As the world evolves, so does technology. Just as the steam engine revolutionized industry and the computer transformed the modern workplace, AI is setting the stage for the next wave of technology.

Even during industrialization, people had to reform their work and get used to new and more optimized work processes than they were used to. The same is the case now.

Of course, the huge advances in AI also come with challenges for copywriters. As AI becomes more advanced, some may fear that tools like ChatGPT will undermine our critical thinking skills and minimize our creativity.

This is not an unfounded fear, of course, but it misses an important perspective: ChatGPT should not be a replacement for the human insight that copywriters offer. It should be a supplement to it.

Think of ChatGPT as a kind of digital assistant - it can come up with ideas, suggestions and even formulate texts, but you are the editor. You control which ideas to take forward and which direction your text should go. So use ChatGPT to break through writer's block, come up with new perspectives or fine-tune your language.

But don't forget that it's your creativity, critical thinking and source-critical sense that ensures the quality of the text. For example, I would never use a text from scratch with information I was unsure of without fact-checking.

By and large, the role of a copywriter has only changed since ChatGPT came along. Before, it was primarily about writing for people. That's still the case, but the role is now two-sided. We need to be able to communicate with robots as well.


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