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Understanding LinkedIn's algorithm 2023

LinkedIn can seem like an impenetrable jungle, and it's not always easy to create an understanding of good content on the platform. Furthermore, LinkedIn's algorithm has always been harder to understand than both Facebook and Instagram, and for many, producing content for LinkedIn has been like groping blindly. 

But why is it so important to understand LinkedIn's algorithm? LinkedIn is a brilliant platform for networking and sharing your expertise - whether it's focused on personal branding or general branding. That's why I set out to crack the code to understand LinkedIn's algorithm in 2023 and make you an excellent LinkedIn creator.

Isabella Svartzengren
- Project Manager
Last updated: Aug 9, 2023

Does your target audience see your content?

Let's start slowly by focusing on your target audience. Who is your target audience? And does it match the type of content you produce? LinkedIn's new algorithm works by showing the type of content that the user most often engages with - i.e. shares, likes and comments.

Therefore, if you focus on posting content about marketing, your content will most likely be shown to users who engage with marketing content.

Tip: The more niche your content is, the more easily LinkedIn's algorithm can help your content to the top of the right feed.

Goodbye and thank you to irrelevant content

We all know the feeling. We see a viral trend and the urge to jump on the viral wave is great, BUT - and it's a big but! With the new algorithm update, you will be penalized for posting irrelevant and viral content. 

Viral content is therefore more likely to harm your visibility than contribute to something good. The algorithm prioritizes relevant content over viral content, and you risk your engagement rate dropping - which ultimately hurts your visibility. 

LinkedIn's new update rewards knowledge posts and content with useful content. 


With LinkedIn's new algorithm, irrelevant content is a pitfall like never before

Networking and followers are key

With LinkedIn's new algorithm update, your network and followers have never been more important. Your network and followers are the first link in the exposure of your post.

That's why it's important to create content that your network will engage with. This increases the likelihood of getting as much exposure as possible.

Likes, shares and comments

A very simple part of the equation to understanding LinkedIn's algorithm in 2023 is the word engagement. 

High engagement on your post is rewarded with a high ranking in LinkedIn's feed. High engagement in the form of likes, shares and comments helps LinkedIn's algorithm to know if your post contains relevant and useful content. 

It is therefore important that you respond to your network's comments on your post. Furthermore, high engagement will also ensure that your post reaches the second tier - non-followers who see your post because their network has engaged with your content. 

Tip: You can use LinkedIn features such as PDFs, carousels or in-feed videos to increase the likelihood of higher engagement.

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Likes and other forms of engagement are important metrics in the new algorithm

The LinkedIn trinity - relevance, expertise and engagement

LinkedIn's new algorithm uses three metrics: relevance, expertise and engagement. You need to ensure that your content appeals to all three metrics to create the best possible conditions for high exposure.

Relevance = how relevant is your post to a targeted audience?

Expertise = the sender's expertise on the given topic

Engagement = the presence of comments, likes and shares on your post.

How to become a great LinkedIn creator

Being a LinkedIn creator can be compared to being a keynote speaker at a conference. You are at the conference for two reasons:

  1. To give a talk - on LinkedIn, this translates to sharing expert knowledge in a post.
  2. To network with other people - engage with your network's content and make connections on LinkedIn.

If you were to give a talk at a conference, you would always want to ensure that your talk is relevant to the conference and the attendees. On LinkedIn, this translates to your content being relevant to your niche and target audience.

On average, you have 3 seconds to grab your audience's attention before they scroll away from your post. Therefore, your content needs to provide so much value to your audience that they have to engage with your post.

But how do you create enough value in a post? Don't worry - I've put together some great tips, of course.

LinkedIn generally wants to show the right content to the right audience. This can be compared to LinkedIn's new algorithm wanting to divide content into categories.

You can achieve better categorization of your mail by ensuring that:

  • Your post shares a unique perspective on a popular topic.
  • Your expert knowledge is supported with practical examples in your post.
  • Your post is easy to understand.
  • Your post encourages engagement through CTAs. For example, you can encourage your audience to share their opinions and views in the comments section.
  • Use a maximum of 3 or fewer hashtags - and make them specific. Again, the niche rule is key, as hashtags help the algorithm categorize your content.
  • Tag other relevant people in your content - people who share the same niche and can drive engagement by sharing relevant perspectives on your post.

LinkedIn is all about creating value for your target audience

Ready for your new LinkedIn adventure?

So where exactly should you start on your new LinkedIn adventure? Let me briefly summarize the three most important points:

1. Focus on sharing knowledge and advice:

LinkedIn's new algorithm update will reward relevant content that creates useful knowledge for the target audience.

Tip: if you can blend your personal experience with professional knowledge, you're well on your way to high exposure.

2. Prioritize relevant content over viral content

It may be tempting to ride the viral wave and do what everyone else is doing, BUT LinkedIn will not reward you for this - quite the opposite. Your content should focus on targeting a relevant audience rather than trying to reach everyone. 

The more niche your content is, the better LinkedIn's algorithm will categorize you and ensure high exposure. 

Tip: The more you share, the better LinkedIn will understand who you are, what you do and what content you post about.

3. Your network and followers matter more than ever

The people who are exposed to your content are first and foremost your network and followers. If they don't have an interest in your niche area, your engagement rate will most likely be low - and therefore your exposures will remain low.

It is therefore important to ensure that your network and followers are interested in the same niche as the content you produce. Your network's interest is crucial to the algorithm's understanding of your categorization.

Tip: The algorithm's most important job is to get your content to the right people. Therefore, you can be sure that your content will reach high exposures as long as you optimize your posts and keep up your engagement.

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